Pet shop boys 기사 하나
새벽 2시에 잠이 안 와서 스마트폰으로 피플, 더 썬;, 데일리 미러;; 등을 잠깐 보다가 가디언으로 넘어갔더니 음악란 헤드라인에 형님들 기사가 있었다. Hooray!
대강 읽어 보고 조금 전 랩탑에서 다시 읽어 보는 중.
따끈따끈한 기사인 줄 알았더니 9/13자였다.
Pet Shop Boys: cab drivers ask us if we've retired
기사를 읽으면서 가장 인상적이었던 부분은;
The journalist's trip to Berlin was paid for by Parlophone Records
라고 이탤릭체로 쓰여있던 맨 마지막 줄이었다. 당연한 표현인데 말이지 흠흠.
사실 형님들은 베를린 공연때문에 영국에 없어서, 이 기자도 베를린 공연장까지 가서 드레스 리허설에서 형님들을 인터뷰했다고 한다.
형님들과 팔로폰의 관계도 몇 십 년 째이니 비용 부담도 당연할지도.
그 외 공감했거나 재밌었던 부분은;
- "The guy on keyboards who doesn't smile and the singer who looks a bit uncomfortable," says Tennant. "That's the act."
- Lowe wanted Elysium to have one unbroken mood. "I always do," he says, eating lasagne in the duo's dressing room.
- A Pet Shop Boys interview is a show in itself. Tennant is erudite and inquisitive, illustrating points with quotes from Noël Coward and New Yorker cartoons. Lowe stays silent unless he's either laughing or making Tennant laugh, which seems to me a faultless interview strategy. Thirty-one years after meeting in a Kings Road hi-fi shop, their friendship seems invincible.
- They stopped posing for fan photographs because they didn't like ending up on Facebook pages, though they're still happy to sign "an old-fashioned analogue autograph".They gave up Twitter after two years; Lowe thinks social media is "so egotistical, it's just horrendous really". Tennant agrees. "There's a false intimacy, which is I think why people get so angry. People tweet a celebrity and they get no response. It's a totally fake relationship."
- There are still things they won't do, like red carpet appearances or anything to do with the Royal Family.
어휴 멋있어.